
Welcome to our web-streaming site. If you can’t make it to one of our services, this web-site is for you. Join us now, live, at the Rock with our on-line streaming, and a wonderful video library of past services. Come be a part of what God is doing, online or come visit us in person. We would love to get to know you.
The Rock Family Worship Center is a place to gather together in one accord and worship the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. We are here to equip the Body of Christ in the gifts and callings that have been placed in your life, and long to see each person functioning in their gifting. We are here to encourage, uplift, and uphold each other as a true family in the Lord. We pray we’ll always strive to move in excellence in all He calls us to do. We are working to build solid family relationships within the Body of Christ, placing our Lord and Savior in the center. We love to reach out to our community and the nations, to share the Word of the Lord and His true love, wherever He sends us. We want to be a body of righteousness, truth, and excellence with His love, letting His Glory shine in and through us as we reach out to a lost and dying world.